South Florida’s Yoga Resource

An image of the Kigar Yoga logo. Strength of gentility.


Meet James

My Story

James began his yogic journey over twenty years ago while he was searching for an activity to deepen his martial arts training.

Several years later, he took his first Ashtanga class taught by Dominic Corigliano, in San Diego. It wasn’t long until he found his place in this new discipline. He brings the movement skills of the martial arts, with his healing experience and anatomical knowledge as a neuromuscular therapist to present yoga to others.

My mission

Whether adjusting a student in a pose or giving a healing massage, one can feel the intent and presence in James’ touch.

He is committed to developing himself to serve as a bridge for others to reconnect to their natural strength, stability and joy.

James’ energy and presence are extraordinary and immensely strong, yet deeply compassionate.

An image of James Kigar teaching a private yoga class in south florida.
An image of master yoga teacher James Kigar
An image of an OM on a rock from Kigar Yoga

Join Kigar Yoga with a class today

We are thrilled to assist our students with a variety of services to help their practice. Our daily classes range in length and style and are shaped around common themes practiced by all of our teachers on any given week.